March 13, 2010

Living Apologetics!

by Terry Ivy

Apologetics can come across on a very dry or academic level. However, as far as Christianity is concerned, it should be one of the most living, exciting and helpful realities known to man. In fact, it will be if we recognize and adhere to several facts.

1. Apologetics - Sound Doctrine

Certainly, for believers, apologetics is the verbal defense and explanation of the Christian faith. The word comes from the greek word, "apologia" as used in I Peter 3:15, and is translated "answer." So, we see, that apologetics is about giving the answers to the questions about our faith. Therefore, Christian Apologetics (CA) involves the right ordering of the doctrines of Christianity in a coherent and systematic fashion. I cannot over emphasize the fact that we should proclaim Christianity with sound doctrine. Much of the confusion we see in the modern church is a result of unbalanced and/or unbiblical doctrines. This point alone should be exciting to believers, that is, to discover balanced truths from God's Word in order to properly understand His character and our position in Christ.

2. Apologetics - Living Truth

Because CA is the verbal expression of the faith, and the resurrected Christ is the epicenter of it's truth, CA represents the truthful testimony of the Holy Spirit to those who hear. Jesus taught that true worshippers will worship in "Spirit and Truth." (John 4:24) The living presence of Jesus, through the work of the Holy Spirit, is present in the proclamation of sound doctrine! When the Lord gives us opportunity to share His Truth, we can be assured that the power and work of the Holy Spirit makes it more than 'dry words.' The words of CA are living and able to save the hearers! In fact, without the proclamation of sound biblical truth, man has no understanding of salvation. (Romans 10:13-17) As we proclaim the written Word (through sound doctrine), the Holy Spirit will witness the truth of the gospel to the heart of our audience. This 'witness' is the Living Word agreeing with the written Word!

3. Apologetics - Existential

If we have surrendered our life to Christ, through repentance and faith in the finished work of calvary, the truths of CA are the living reality of our new birth! These truths are not only the principles for our new life, they are the breath of God into and through our life. We are alive in, from and by God's truth revealed through Christ! This reality adorns our words with the testimony of a changed life. Our life, the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God converge to declare that the only hope for man is through Christ's atoning work and resurrection. Our life gives physical and present credibility to the truth declared in the New Testament. We fulfill and experience Paul's statement to the Galatians.

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." (Galatians 2:20)

As we reach out to our generation let us be the living reality of a life surrendered to Christ. In doing so, apologetics will be living truth offered to this post-modern age. We will speak and live truth; and this combination will be a powerful testimony of gospel revealed to our generation through Living Apologetics!

In the Crucified, yet Risen Lamb,

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