April 26, 2010

What is Truth?

by Terry Ivy

Jesus stood before Pilate at his trial. What a scene it must have been. Here is the Son of God standing before the cowardly leader of men. Our Lord stood there, as a lamb led to the slaughter, being questioned about the nature of truth. This had been a long night as Jesus carried the weight and sin of the world upon his shoulders in the garden of Gethsemane. Then Judas, for thirty pieces of silver, had conspired with the Pharisees to bring them to the Lord's secret place of prayer. At last, the religious leaders of the day were getting their wish. They had this miracle worker, this lowly carpenter from Galilee in the hands of the Roman Empire. Consider the scene with all of its irony and tragedy as we read this passage from John's gospel account.

"Pilate therefore said unto him, 'Art thou a king then?' Jesus answered, 'Thou sayest that I am a king. to this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.' Pilate saith unto him, 'What is truth?'..." (John 18:37-38) 
This same question haunts men of our age! With the continual promotion of postmodern thought from secular media and the modern church, we are asked this same question! So, what is the great difference between the world's philosophy and the christian worldview? It centers upon the answer to Pilate's question: What is Truth?

1. Truth Exists
The first undeniable fact is that truth exists! If a man attempts to deny this, he actually confirms it. In other words, to say, "truth does not exist" is equivalent to saying, "here is a truth: truth does not exist." (self defeating) Language, communication and life ultimately demands a foundation of truth to stand on. When men reject the existence of truth, the only way for them to be consistent and practice this rejection would be for them to say nothing, because every word would be meaningless! In fact, even that would be self defeating, because to believe words are meaningless is a claim of truth. It is impossible for those who declare that truth does not exist to live consistent to their claim, because when they make the claim "truth does not exist," they present it as truth!

Therefore, the first distinguishing fact between the Christian and the postmodern view of truth is that it actually exists. The Christian position is in line with the reality of observation and experience. The postmodern position is in line with nothing except imaginary and wishful thinking with the motive of attempting to remove itself from accountability for actions.

2. Truth is Universal
Every man has a moral compass within his faculties which declares that truth is universal. This innate knowledge is why we all know certain things are wrong regardless of our upbringing or cultural fashioning. Without an appeal to any religious belief or creed, man knows that murder, stealing, cursing and fornication is wrong! How? By the universal and innate knowledge present within the heart of every man. A look at every culture within history bears out the common thread of universal truth! Regardless how man seeks independence, no one is an island unto himself. We live in the context of a community which is larger than ourselves, and that community proclaims the commonness of universal moral truth.

A simple example of this is the fact you and I know stealing is wrong even if no other human knows. That striking of our conscience, telling us that stealing is wrong, comes from deep within our humanness! It shouts that we have violated a moral code which exists within our being! And because we feel guilty even though no other human knows, this shouts to the fact that another "Person" is impressing a moral responsibility upon my conscience. The only other "Person" aware of my stealing has to be a metaphysical being since I am alone in my action. And all of this points ultimately toward the existence of God.

So, the experience of life teaches us that a univeral moral code of truth exists. And the existence of a moral code necessarily implies a moral law giver who can universally impliment it. No other "Being" fits a sufficient description for a universal law giver except God.

Therefore, the Christian worldview recognizes the existence of a universal moral law which every culture has recognized to greater or lesser degrees. The postmodern view believes every man is a law unto himself and must make his own code and follow it. This reveals the destructive view of social order and personal relationship which extends from the postmodern paradigm.

3. Truth is Objective
The ultimate source or grounding point of truth is objective. That means the source of truth is outside the subjective inclinations of man. Truth exists regardless how I feel about it. It stands outside and distinct from me as a property within itself. In other words, certain things are undeniably true regardless of my subjective position concerning them or my limitations to exhaustively understand them. For example, there is a tree in my front yard regardless how hard I try to deny that fact. It stands separate from and independent of my perception concerning its existence. Our independent subjective perception is not the final arbiter for determining what is true.

Moral truth is independent of me, it is outside of me, and yet it is imposed upon me through my conscience and the voice of creation. (Psa. 19:1-4) It does not change! Regardless of the winds of culture, or the shift in worldviews, truth doesn't change. My perception of truthful reality will shift with my worldview, but the 'truth itself' is never affected. Truth does not depend upon man; man ultimately depends upon truth!

Again, we see the clear distinction. The Christian worldview recognizes that a moral code is rooted in a moral law giver and that law giver is the God of Creation, as both creation and conscience give instant and continual witness to the existence of a Supreme Being and accountability to Him. The postmodern view denies both, and in doing so, abandons any coherent explanation or description for the meaning or value of anything.

4. Truth is Knowable
As a rational creature, man is capable of knowing truth. We are not wandering in a sea of ignorance, unaware of our surroundings and the nature of things around us. Truth is not an unattainable set of propositions which remain outside the grasp of our mind and heart. Everyday life depends upon our perception of truth in order to function with any type of safety or order. Each day we literally make hundreds and thousands of decisions based upon the innate belief that truth is knowable.

Every social practice of communication, social order, relationship, education and law demonstrates the belief in the knowability of truth! The only social order which would be consistent with the postmodern view that truth is unknowable, is social anarchy. And then again, you could not call it anarchy, because that would mean there is a knowable truth about social order! That is, to call something 'anarchy,' means you know what 'non-anarchy/social order' is! Self-defeating.

The Christian worldview holds to the fact and experience of the knowability of truth. This position is consistent with observation, practice and communication. For the postmodernist to live consistent with their position, they should believe nothing, say nothing, and do nothing! Because the moment they move, speak or act, they demonstrate they believe something is true!

5. Truth is Descriptive through Language
The deconstruction of man in our post modern world includes the belief that language is insufficient to describe truth. Of course, those who hold this attempt to use language to describe their so-called 'truth.' (self defeating) Language, to the post modern worldview, has meaning through the subjective view of the audience. In other words, the issue is not what you are 'actually saying,' but what does it mean to me and how do I interpret it? It is subjectivity run amuck! Of course, this strikes at the very core of the Christian worldview that God has spoken, He has spoken clearly and He has spoken in the Scriptures.

Words have meaning. They describe states of affairs and views of the one using it. We speak because we hold certain things to be 'true.' This is an undeniable fact! It is physically impossible to speak and 'actually believe' that language does not describe truthful states of affairs.

Imagine two parents which have a young child. One parent is living out the Christian worldview concerning truth, and the other is attempting to live out the postmodern worldview. As we have stated, the Christian holds to the fact that language can describe truthful states of affairs. The postmodern parent has truth personalized to the subjective perception of the individual. They each have a child who is walking over to a gas burning heater. The Christian points to the heater and says, "Hot!" She then begins describing what hot means, and what the consequences will 'surely' be if the young one touches it. The postmodern parent, if they live consistent to their world view, will ask the child, "What does the heater feel like to you?" See how foolish and unlivable the postmodern view of truth is?


There is no greater contrast between men of the Christian faith and secular men than the view of truth! However, postmodern man cannot live consistent with his position. In fact, it is impossible for him to do so. For the Christian man, truth is the actual state of affairs and is universal, objective, knowable and describable through language. And we know that our Lord and Savior is the centerpiece and foundation of all truth!

Jesus declared to Pilate that He was the truth! Pilate did not like this answer and so he proceeded to have Jesus crucified like a criminal. The next time Pilate meets Jesus, the roles will be reversed; Jesus will be the judge and Pilate the judged! In that moment, Pilate will realize that Jesus Christ is in fact the way, the truth and the life! (John 14:6) However, it will be too late.

Without Christ, man forfeits the meaning to life, the understanding to the origin of life, the value of life, the hope of redemption and eternity with God! The only thing a postmodern man has is the certainty of judgment and condemnation. And all of his denials concerning 'truth' will be quickly dismissed as he is led into outer darkness. For then, he will definitely know that truth exists!

Let us take the truth of God's Word, as we ask the Lord to fill us with the Holy Spirit, and stand and proclaim redemption to the men of our generation! We once walked in darkness, and that simple reminder should be enough to spring forth compassion in our hearts as we speak "truth in love."

We are left with the question Pilate directed toward Jesus; What is truth? Our answer: Jesus Christ is "the way, the truth and the life!" And no man can come to God except through Jesus! (Jn. 14:6)

Because of His Grace,

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