The next 'reason to believe' which can open dialogue with unbelievers, is the question, "How do you explain the observable order of the universe?" After discussing the 'existence' of the universe and what necessarily follows from that fact in Part 1, we will now turn our attention to the 'order' of the universe. This topic is involves the "teleological argument for the existence of God."
Upon a casual observation of our universe, we see there is an order which continues day by day and year by year. We see order in weather, seasons, time and life. From this observation, which is evident to every normal, reasonable and honest man, comes a simple question to ask men of our generation for the purpose of starting a dialogue.
How Do You Explain the Order of the Universe?
This is a question which demands attention by those in our society who refuse to consider the ultimate reality of the existence of God. Anyone can look around and observe the order which exists in the universe. The simple act of setting an alarm clock to awaken us in the morning is a capitulation to this fact. We set the clock because we know that a certain hour arrives at the same time each day-that is order! The seasons throughout each year also point to order as well as the astrological signs, plant and animal life.
This line of questioning is good for conversation starters for those who claim to be agnostics or those who are acquainted with christian thought. It can lead them to reconsider or revisit their view of the ultimate reality of life. Until a person sees their need in some personal and existential way, they will have a difficult time understanding that life without God is meaningless. Conversation is the tool to bring man to this realization.
When our question concerning 'order' is offered, the unbeliever has very few places to go and each one falls short of explaining reality or offering explanatory power concerning the cosmos. Here are the options man has concerning this question followed by a believer's response.
1) There is no real order.
This answer is self defeating at face value. If there is no order than how did they arrange their words in proper sequence for constructing a sentence to communicate? To use our earlier example, do they set their clock every day for a specific purpose? If it is a set and repeatable time, then why does the alarm sound at the same time? Do spring flowers grow in winter? Is winter always the same time of the year? What about the cycles of the sun and moon?
See what I mean? It actually takes order to discuss the existence of order! To deny it, actually confirms it!
2) The order of the universe came from an impersonal source.
There can be no order out of the 'chaotic' event which happened at the Big Bang apart from an ordering influence. An explosion from a random order never creates order. In fact, by experience and science, anytime there is a randomly caused explosion, the results are the opposite of order. Therefore, to posit order out of the Big Bang Theory, begs the question, "Who or what caused the Bang?" Because as we know from demolition, the only way to have order from an explosion is to have intelligence of some type ordering the consequences of the explosion.
Therefore, the attempt to offer the explanation that "order popped out of an uncontrolled explosion and chaotic state," defies both logic and experience. We need to push this point for man to see the foolishness of his humanistic explanation. By leading them to face the truth that 'order cannot come from chaos,' we will be closer to showing them their need to include God in their understanding, and closer to having the opportunity to explain biblical cosmology.
The Christian's Answer to the Question of Order!
As Christians, we have the only coherent and logical answer to the teleological question of order. The universe shouts, both from science and from observation/experience, that order requires an 'orderer.' In other words, there must me a Supreme mind behind the existence and order of the universe who directed order into it at creation. It violates logic, experience and common sense for anyone to postulate the belief that order can come from non-order. The presence of order in the universe demands the existence of an orderly Supreme Being/Creator. And since order demands mind or intelligence to implement it, the designer of the universe must have intelligence and cannot be an impersonal source.
The Lord, in His infinite wisdom and glory, has given us the truth of Scriptures in order to demonstrate the failure of humanism and their secular worldview. We must listen carefully to hear the self-defeating and contradictory explanations they use in order to point out their incoherent and insufficient explanations. Let us step out in faith and with sound doctrine as we engage the men of our generation with the question, "How do you explain the order of the universe?"
In the Crucified, yet Risen Lamb,
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